White clouds or clouds of any kind, Lauren Howie, 2020, Digital Animation, 2:35
White clouds or clouds of any kind, is the first of a series of animations whose aesthetics and 'mood' are taken from definitions found in Qur'anic root dictionaries. White clouds or clouds of any kind comes from a word with the root م ، ز ، ن , Meem-Zay-Nun. Animation, texturing, rigging and rendering was completed in Blender. All compositing and editing was completed in Adobe Premiere.
A place where water stagnates, Lauren Howie, 2020, Digital Animation, 1:34
With this animation, I continue my interest in small, everyday movements and the extraction and transport of natural material. The title comes from the root ب ، ح ، ر , Ba-Ha-Ra.
A wide tract of land, Lauren Howie, 2020, Digital Animation, 0:51
A wide tract of land is taken from the definition of a word with the root ب ، ح ، ر , Ba-Ha-Ra. The animation features a solitary figure I imagine to be setting up a small potters shop. They are awaiting deliveries from the next town over.
Fashioner, Lauren Howie, 2020-2021, Digital Animation, 0:37,
The Fashioner, is taken from a word with the root ب ، ر، ا Ba-Ra-Alif. I created this animation as I tracked the movement of leaves transported in White clouds or clouds of any kind. In this animation they have arrived at a processing plant, and are being fashioned into a product.
Regalia II, Lauren Howie, Digital Animation, 2020
Rig Documentation, Lauren Howie, Digital Animation, 2020